Hangzhou Shitean Chemical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in fine chemicals sales agents in the domestic business, is well-known domestic manufacturers and chemical additives in lubricating oil, the current products include: water / oil based organic anti rust agent, extreme pressure and anti-wear agent, organic molybdenum friction modifier, ricinoleic acid ester lubricant, emulsifier, synthetic ester, we to provide high-end additives instead of foreign brands, and relying on the cooperation and analysis of domestic lubricating oil, detection mechanism, to provide technical support for customers. Welcome to inquire!
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公司主要经营润滑剂,防锈剂,润滑油添加剂,较压耐磨剂,乳化剂,减磨剂, 杭州施特安化工有限公司主要从事于精细化学品的销售业务,是国内**润滑油添加剂制造商润泽化工在国内的较大代理商,目前代理产品包括:水基/油基**防锈剂,较压耐磨剂,**钼减摩剂,蓖麻油酸酯润滑剂,乳化剂,合成酯等,我们能提供替代国外品牌的高端添加剂,并依托与国内润滑油、分析检测机构的合作,为客户提供技术支持。欢迎来电咨询! |